A Landlord has several different responsibilities when it comes to their tenants. A number of these responsibilities are put on a formal basis thanks to an ever-changing raft of legislation. Not only do landlords need to be aware of the changes in the laws that govern their relationships with their tenants, but they also need to know of any significant cases that are taken to court as this may well change how they have to react to their tenants. Below, we have listed different ways that landlords can be in the loop about their legal responsibilities.
We all have heard of disputes that arise in the course, or even years after purchasing a home, or other real estate assets. As a home buyer, you may tend to be conversant with all the requirements that you should meet to buy a particular house. However, just like anybody else, you are subject to overlook on certain little details, which might eventually cost you greatly. This calls in for a real estate solicitor, who will help you navigate through every step. This might cost you additional pounds from your wallet, but it might help you greatly, eliminating any risk that would cost you a lot of money, or even total loss of your property. Let us look at some tips of how hiring a great solicitor could help you in buying a home;
Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are out of their control, while others are a matter of personal preference. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on.
The demand for rental properties in the UK is quite high nowadays. This is mostly due to higher house deposits, and tougher mortgage rules making it difficult for people to buy their own home.
If you want to sell your house, then you are going to need to make sure that you have as much interest as possible in your property and that you have a lot of viewings lined up.
Before you sell your home it’s highly important to get an accurate valuation. Getting its true worth allows you to know the amount to expect from it and the asking price you need to come up with. An accurate valuation of your home before you sell has its benefits.
If there isn’t much interest in your rental, what can you do?
Everyone is looking for their dream home where they can sit, relax and make memories. The average person can’t afford to fully fund their dream home with their own money, which is where a loan from a bank, mortgage company or other financial institution can make your dream come true.
So, after all the stress of putting the paperwork together and aligning documents, preparing your home for its next owner, your home is finally on the market, congrats!
Is your home ticking all the boxes for would-be buyers? Here are the top features they value above all else.
When it comes to moving home, this has been rated as one of the top three stressful things that you can do. Most of the stress comes from not knowing what is going on and not being prepared for things that can get easily missed. We are here with a handy checklist list of things to watch for when you are buying a new home.
For landlords who are considering on how to market their rentals, they are often faced with two major questions, “Do I furnish it or not?” and “Can furnishing my properties increase my rental yields?”. Well, there are no simple answers to these questions, however, we have compiled some of the benefits accrue to you as a property owner, as well as some downsides of furnishing. Read on!